Periop 101 Training
The Dartmouth Health Periop 101 training is a program for nurses combining Association of Peri-Operative Registered Nurses (AORN) approved online didactic learning with clinical skills labs and experiences in the Operating Room.
The roles in this program are full-time, benefited positions. We offer opportunities within our Main Operating Room (26 OR suites) and our Outpatient Surgery Center Operating Room (8 OR suites) and both are dedicated to providing care for adult and pediatric patients. The typical schedule is 10-hour shifts Monday – Friday.
The program begins with participation in selected Periop Orientation offerings, which are integrated with Perioperative Nursing content. Following this, the nurse spends time in each of the surgical specialties within that department before being placed in a specialty to begin their nursing practice.

Working in the OR is an exciting and rewarding career!
It allows the ability to provide direct patient care, focusing on one patient at a time. The variability of surgeries and patient population allows growth and learning opportunities regularly. Come join our team and let us help you take your compassion for nursing into the operating room.